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Santa Cruz Works
interview-based reporting • thought leadership • content marketing
An interview with Dave Evans and Dean Hovey, inceptors of Design Thinking and solvers of wicked problems.
“Because there’s one more essential question that designers need to be asking. A question that designers likely have not been asking until recently: If this is extremely successful, what are the good outcomes and what are the bad outcomes?”
The final installment in a six-part series about what makes “Silicon Beach” a unique outshoot of tech culture, this piece explores ethos and impact of tech leaders.
“In his 2018 Titans of Tech talk, Jeremy Almond reminded the audience that this action is a kind of stewardship—a fitting word for the Santa Cruz spirit of protecting and celebrating what locals love. Stewardship, though, along with being protective, is also generous and creative, expansive and adaptable."
A look at how two Bay Area start-ups in very different industries embraced change and re-centered positive global impact during a global pandemic.
“Amidst extreme upheaval, the (un)likelihood of someone answering the phone puts companies in an even worse situation. Add in ever-changing circumstances and you have a recipe for disaster.
The timing is painful but right; a window has opened for these world-shifting projects to be humanity’s focus.”
True Organic
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